Tork microfibre cleaning cloth

Microfiber has proven to be the ultimate material for cleaning cloths

Where hygiene is critical, it's crucial to use appropriate cleaning and disinfecting products. To prevent Healthcare associated infections and avoid cross-contamination, it’s essential to remove microorganisms, dust and dirt. The biggest advantage of using microfiber cloths is their ability to catch and hold onto particles. Thanks to its fine fibers, the microfiber material picks up dirt and microorganisms - instead of just pushing them around. 

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Why you should switch to microfiber

Tork microfibre cloths

Re-usable or disposable microfiber cloths?

Our disposable microfiber cloths minimize the risk of cross contamination in critical areas like operating rooms, surgical suites and isolation areas since you only use them once. Our re-usable microfiber cloths come in different colors to ensure that your team is using the right cloth per area and task and hence minimize the risk for cross-contamination. The re-usable cloth can be washed 300 times. Both cloths are very effective in bacterial removal. Read on to find out which solution best suits your needs or get your free trial without obligation.

Experience the benefits of microfiber

Try our high-quality microfiber cloths. Get a free trial without obligation.


For use with water.  If use with disinfectants is required by local authorities or guidelines, refer to disinfectant labels for use and efficacy.
Refer to disinfectant manufacturer’s instructions for application of disinfectant with microfiber cloths.
Methods are modified versions of industry standard methods (^EN16615 and ASTM E-2362-16 and E-2967-15)
Tested with S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, E. hirae, C. albicans, C. difficile
For Environmental surfaces – not medical devices (does not sterilize)
@ Disclaimer:  Following an ATP method 
^ Disclaimer : When washing according to CDC / NHS hot water guidelines and following label directions
# Disclaimer:  When washing according to CDC / NHS low temperature bleach guidelines
% Disclaimer:  Following a Healthcare Surgical Drape and Gown method & requirement SS-EN-13795-1